Technical Considerations
Ensure Your Dynamic Back is the Original, Genuine Seating Dynamics Product
Another manufacturer offers a nearly identical version of an old model of the original Dynamic Rocker Back (DRBi) from Seating Dynamics. Make sure you know what your product is.
Continue ReadingFAQ: Does Installing a DRBi void the wheelchair manufacturer’s warranty? Part one: OEM
When installing a Dynamic Rocker Back interface (DRBi) on a manual or power wheelchair, the back canes must be cut to accommodate the height of the dynamic hardware. A common concern from suppliers is whether or not this voids the warranty on the wheelchair frame.
Continue ReadingFAQ: Does Installing a DRBi void the wheelchair manufacturer’s warranty? Part two: non-OEM
When installing a Dynamic Rocker Back interface (DRBi) on a manual or power wheelchair, the back canes must be cut to accommodate the height of the dynamic hardware. A common concern from suppliers is whether or not this voids the warranty on the wheelchair frame.
Continue ReadingDynamic Rocker Back interface – Factors which contribute to elastomer wear Part 1
How do the Elastomers in the Dynamic Rocker Back interface work? Let’s start with Seating Dynamics DRBi elastomer basics.
Continue ReadingDynamic Rocker Back Interface – Indicators that the elastomers need to be changed Part 2
The elastomers in a Dynamic Rocker Back interface (DRBi) are designed to absorb client forces, store force as energy, and use that energy to return the client to upright sitting.
Continue ReadingTech Tip: Using the Footrest Swing Away Function
In this quick tip, JJ illustrates how to use the swing away function on Dynamic and Static Footrests. This feature allows you “swing away” and even remove, if necessary, the footrests.
Continue ReadingLock Out Feature | Dynamic Head Support for Wheelchairs
The Dynamic Head Support for wheelchairs can now be locked-out to limit head movement when desired, such as during transportation. Learn more about this helpful feature.
Continue ReadingNewly Designed Dynamic Footrests! It’s all about the Pivot Point!
Dynamic Seating components are designed to move with a client. A great deal of design goes into these components to ensure the product responds to client forces and maintains client position.
Continue ReadingMaintenance Time! The Dynamic Footrests
Dynamic Seating uses elastomers, springs, and/or hydraulics to absorb force, store energy, and return the client to a starting position. Instead of the wheelchair frame breaking, the dynamic component will wear and require replacement.
Continue ReadingDoes the Dynamic Head Support Hardware Require Maintenance?
In prior blogs, we addressed Dynamic Rocker Back interface maintenance and Dynamic Footrest maintenance. Today, we turn our attention to the Seating Dynamics Dynamic Head Support Hardware.
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