Seating Dynamics is an industry leader in creating innovative components for wheelchairs that enhance movement. Our products use the most advanced technology to add movement, durability and functionality to most wheelchairs.
Seating Dynamics champions the emerging truth that movement within a wheelchair seating system can improve quality of health and life.
What is Dynamic Seating?
Dynamic Seating allows coordinated movement within a wheelchair. When the client moves, the dynamic seating components move with the client, maintaining alignment with the seating system for postural support and stability. Dynamic Rocker Backs, Dynamic Footrests, and Dynamic Head Support Hardware can be used individually, or in combination to meet a variety of needs including tone management, pain and injury reduction, improved function and more.
Who Benefits from Dynamic Seating?
If the client is pushing with force against the seating system, possibly resulting in injury, equipment damage, and loss of posture, Dynamic Seating diffuses forces, allowing movement without loss of alignment. If the client is seeking out movement, Dynamic Seating moves in response to client movement, often decreasing agitation and increasing alertness. Click to explore how the clients below have each benefitted from different combinations of Dynamic Seating components.
It Takes a Team
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In Their Words
Kieran Murphy, PT
“An absolute pleasure to collaborate with the team at Seating Dynamics and source dynamic head support hardware that enables movement and force diffusion in a seating system for a patient close to my heart. Greg Peek and Michelle Lange have a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from and the Seating Dynamics products are incredible quality.”
Stan Arledge ATP/SMS
Senior Mobility Aids, Inc.
Huntington Beach, CA
“There are so many ways that Dynamic Seating adds to functional posture.”
Allicyn Hayes, Mother to Kawai
“You are a rare gem doing what you do and going above and beyond to help people. It is much appreciated.”
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