Free CEU: Positioning the Head
Join OT Michelle Lange for Positioning the Head to explore strategies beyond the head support of a wheelchair, including specific positioning interventions and addressing visual issues.
Lochlann’s New Dynamic Head Support Diffuses His Strong Neck Extension and Rotation
Lochlann has strong extension and dystonia and also seeks out movement. A dynamic back and dynamic head support diffuse these forces and allow movement.
Ashley: Dynamic Seating, Dystonia & Equipment Breakage
Ashley exhibits large and forceful movements (dystonia) which have led to injury to her legs and damage to the wheelchair. Dynamic Seating, at the head, back and legs, allows her to move easily and safely.
Dyllie: Dynamic Seating Head, Back and Foot Components
Dyllie is a 25 year old man with the diagnosis of cerebral palsy who has been using Seating Dynamics Dynamic Footrests (telescoping, elevating, and plantar/dorsi flexion), Dynamic Rocker Back, and Dynamic Head Support Hardware for 8 months.
Tech Tip: Add Lock Out to Existing Dynamic Head Support
In this video: JJ demonstrates how to add the lock out feature to an existing single-axis Dynamic Head Support.
Dynamic Head Support Hardware – Lockout Demo
In this video, JJ demonstrates the lockout function of the Dynamic Headrest allowing users to pause headrest movement when undesirable.
Max’s New Dynamic Head Support Hardware
This video shows how the Dynamic Head Support absorbs and diffuses Max’s strong forces, reducing the level of active extension in his neck and facilitating a midline position.
Inhibiting Max’s Strong Neck Extension with Dynamic Head Support Hardware
Max is an adult with cerebral palsy and significant extensor tone. His Baclofen pump was recently removed secondary to an infection. This has led to strong neck hyperextension and rotation.
Phillip – Before and After Dynamic Seating
On the left, Phillip had rocked so much in his static wheelchair that the frame was worn to the point of allowing excessive movement. On the right, he is enjoying the smooth rocking movement of the Seating Dynamics Dynamic Rocker Back interface which allows him to move and maintains frame integrity.
Tyler – when tone management doesn’t work
Tyler is extremely strong and has broken numerous items on his manual wheelchair over the years. Tone management has not been successful however Dynamic Seating has been! A combination of Dynamic components at the hips, knees, and head have worked very well, decreasing both extension and dystonia.