Posts Tagged ‘Dynamic Back’
Hip Extension & Loss of Position in Wheelchair
This young man extends with significant force at his hips, causing him to elevate his pelvis off of the cushion. When he relaxes, his pelvis lands on the cushion in a posterior pelvic tilt.
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Jozie is a 3 1/2 year old girl with the diagnosis of epilepsy and West Syndrome (also known as infantile spasms syndrome).
Continue ReadingLochlann – Supporting Extensor Tone
Lochlann has strong extension and dystonia and also seeks out movement. A dynamic back and dynamic head support diffuse these forces and allow movement.
Continue ReadingCMS Final Fee Schedule Determination: Dynamic Backs
A primary challenge in Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) is funding. A client may benefit from CRT equipment but not receive this equipment due to funding barriers.
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