Posts Tagged ‘dystonia’
Lochlann – Supporting Extensor Tone
Lochlann has strong extension and dystonia and also seeks out movement. A dynamic back and dynamic head support diffuse these forces and allow movement.
Continue ReadingLochlann’s New Dynamic Head Support Diffuses His Strong Neck Extension and Rotation
Lochlann has strong extension and dystonia and also seeks out movement. A dynamic back and dynamic head support diffuse these forces and allow movement.
Continue ReadingJoe’s Dynamic Footrests
Joe has cerebral palsy and dystonia. His Dynamic Rocker Back interface, in combination with his Dynamic Footrests, allow him to move, prevent breakage, and maintain his posture within the seating system.
Continue ReadingDystonia and Dynamic Seating
Many clients with increased muscle tone also display dystonia. Dystonia is “characterized by involuntary, patterned, sustained, or repetitive contractions of opposing muscles, resulting in abnormal twisting body movements and abnormal postures”.
Continue ReadingDynamic Stories: Tyler – when tone management doesn’t work
Numotion ATP Toby Bergantino share his dynamic seating success with client Tyler, a young man with cerebral palsy and extremely high tone.
Continue ReadingClinician Interview with Missy Tally – a long term approach
Meet Melissa “Missy” Tally, PT Coordinator at the Perlman Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center as she shares her experiences with Dynamic Seating.
Continue ReadingAn Interview with Mala Aaronson, OT, ATP, CRTS
Mala Aaronson, OT is an amazing seating and mobility specialist working for National Seating & Mobility in Natick, MA. Mala took time out of her busy schedule to talk with me about Dynamic Seating.
Continue ReadingAshley – Dynamic Seating: Dystonia & Equipment Breakage
Ashley is a 35 year old woman with the diagnoses of cerebral palsy and dystonia. She exhibits large and forceful movements (dystonia) which have led to injury to her legs and damage to the wheelchair. She needs to move and her movements increase when she is agitated or excited.
Continue ReadingTop 10 Dynamic Seating for Wheelchairs Resources from 2022
From CEUs to FAQs to blogs, take a look back at 2022 and see what Dynamic Seating for wheelchairs resources our community found most helpful this past year.
Continue ReadingTop 10 Dynamic Seating for Wheelchairs Resources from 2024
From FREE CEUs to FAQs, take a look back at 2024 to see what Dynamic Seating for wheelchairs resources our community found most helpful this past year.
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