Dynamic Seating – Providing Movement for Clinical Benefit: A Pediatric Case Study
Published in the NRRTS Directions Volume 4 of 2024, this case study explores this need & benefits of movement within the seating system through Dynamic Seating.
Continue ReadingSomewhere To Go: Dynamic Seating Helps Manage Harmful Forces
Mobility Management explores the forces clients can exert within wheelchair seating and how Dynamic Seating can address those forces.
Continue ReadingGreg Peek Has Built Long Track Record of Success Inside, Outside Complex Rehab Industry
NRRTS features Seating Dynamics’ Engineer & Owner, Greg Peek, as their seating & mobility industry leader in this issue of Directions.
Continue ReadingDynamic Seating: Providing Movement for Clinical Benefit
Dynamic Seating: Providing Movement for Clinical Benefit was published on the Posture & Mobility Group Journal on 4/22/2022. This article defines Dynamic Seating and elaborates on Clinical Benefits using a series of short case studies.
Continue ReadingClinical Changes as a result of Dynamic Seating in a Young Adult with Cerebral Palsy
This case study, published in the Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology Journal Vol 16. Issue 8, follows a single participant with cerebral palsy through 15 years of wheelchair seating interventions.
Continue ReadingUsing Dynamic Seating to Reduce Client Injury and Equipment Damage
This case study follows a single participant from age 6 to his early 20’s as his seating and mobility team worked to find optimal seating solutions to maintain his position and prevent injury and equipment breakage.
Continue ReadingRESNA Position on the Application of Dynamic Seating, Assistive Technology Journal
This RESNA Position Paper was approved by the Board of Directors in November of 2020. This Position Paper has now been published in the Taylor & Frances Assistive Technology Journal as of September 2021.
Continue ReadingDynamic Seating for People with Cerebral Palsy
How can Dynamic Seating be beneficial for people with Cerebral Palsy? It can prevent equipment breakage, client injury, diffuse tone & provide movement.
Continue ReadingOliver – Increasing Strength and Decreasing Constipation
Oliver is an adorable 5 year old male born at 40 weeks with forceps delivery due to transverse presentation. Several weeks after birth, he was diagnosed with epilepsy, spastic quadriplegia, cortical vision impairment, and hypothyroidism.
Continue ReadingCarl – Maintaining Position through Dynamic Seating
Carl is a 44 year old man with the diagnosis of cerebral palsy. He drives a power wheelchair with a head array and has accessed a computer keyboard using a head pointer.
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