Ashley – Dynamic Seating: Dystonia & Equipment Breakage
Ashley is a 35 year old woman with the diagnoses of cerebral palsy and dystonia. She exhibits large and forceful movements (dystonia) which have led to injury to her legs and damage to the wheelchair. She needs to move and her movements increase when she is agitated or excited.
Dyllie – Maintaining Position and Increasing Seating Tolerance Down Under
Dyllie is a 25 year old man with the diagnosis of cerebral palsy who has been using Seating Dynamics Dynamic Footrests (telescoping, elevating, and plantar/dorsi flexion), Dynamic Rocker Back, and Dynamic Head Support Hardware for 8 months at the time of this case study.
Kristen – Extension and Equipment Breakage
Kristen is a 31 year old woman with the diagnosis of cerebral palsy. She has involvement in both legs and one upper extremity, with more involvement in the lower extremities (Triplegia).
Darcy – Reducing Agitation and Providing Sensory Input through Movement
See how a Dynamic Rocker Back has not only satisfied Darcy’s need to rock in his wheelchair, but improved safety, sitting tolerance, function and decreased equipment breakage.
Oliver – Increasing Strength and Decreasing Constipation
Oliver is an adorable 5 year old male born at 40 weeks with forceps delivery due to transverse presentation. Several weeks after birth, he was diagnosed with epilepsy, spastic quadriplegia, cortical vision impairment, and hypothyroidism.
Jacqueline – Decreased Pain and An Unexpected Improvement
Jacqueline has a diagnosis of cerebral palsy and is now in her mid-30s. She has a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Speech Communication from the University of Central Arkansas in Conway.
John – Equipment Breakage and a Two-Pronged Approach
John was shaken as a baby and has a brain injury, hydrocephalus, and uncontrolled seizures (Lennox Gestaut syndrome). Learn how Dynamic Seating helps him move, stay safe and reduce equipment breakage to his wheelchair.
Tyler – When Tone Management Doesn’t Work
Tyler is a young man with the diagnosis of cerebral palsy.He is extremely strong and has broken many parts on his wheelchair. When tone management didn’t work, dynamic seating did.
Amber – Providing Movement to Reduce Pain, Breakage, and Tone
Amber has developmental delays, cerebral palsy and choreoathetoid movements. In this case study see how Dynamic Seating helps her move with reduced pain and breakage.
Jonathan – Managing Extreme Extensor Tone
Jonathan is a 23 year old man with the diagnosis of cerebral palsy with significant extensor tone. Learn how Dynamic Seating, when used in combination throughout the body can eliminate equipment breakage, relax the body and improve function.