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3 Ways to Keep Your Client’s Head Up!

Earn CEUs and/or Watch Now. You’ve positioned the client. You’ve tried every head support available. And yet your client spends most of their time looking at their lap. This seminar will discuss various strategies to optimize head position.

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3 Ways to Keep Your Client’s Head Up

Not everyone who uses a wheelchair requires head positioning. Sometimes a head support is required only for safety in transportation if the client travels seated in their wheelchair. A head support may only be required to provide posterior support during tilt or recline. Many clients do have decreased head control and may require specific seating…

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The 34th International Seating Symposium, 2018

Presentations: Dynamic Seating – Enhancing Participation Through Movement and Feasibility Trial of a Whole Body Dynamic Seating System for Preschool Children with Dystonia: aims, methods, and measures, where given at the 2018 International Seating Symposium.

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International Seating Symposium, 2015

International Seating Symposium, 2015 Nashville, TN Using Seating to Enhance Movement of the Body in a Wheelchair Jessica Presperin Pedersen, MBA, OTR/L, ATP/SMS Suzanne Eason, OT/L, p. 319-321 Effects of Dynamic Wheelchair Seating on Pressure, Motion, and PropulsionBarbara Crane, PhD, PT, ATP/SMS, p. 159

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